'Tis the Season for Giving.

It's hard to believe that it's that time of year again.  Every year, we try and support our community by giving back in a meaningful way.  This year, we will be collecting food donations on behalf of Margaret House, a local soup kitchen Dartmouth.  Those of you who live in Dartmouth will know that Margaret House is a busy place and worthy of our support.Three candlesWhen I spoke to Karen at Margaret House, she said the following items were high in demand, but they wouldn't turn away anything!-Apple Juice (they go through 12 cans a day)-Dried peas and beans-Rice and Pasta (whole grain choices would be healthiest!)-Condiments-Napkins and ziploc bagsThey also accept winter clothing, which can be dropped off directly to them at 43 Wentworth lane in Dartmouth.Our bin is ready and waiting for donations, which we will collect until December 23rd.  Thank you in advance for helping us feed our community.