Choose Rituals over Resolutions - Find your Rhythm.
Have you ever noticed how we're creatures of habit? We like to know what's happening, and approach any new change (especially big ones) with caution. This human behaviour is at the root of why most "New Year's Resolutions" fail in my opinion.But, do you know what we crave? Ritual and routine. It's familiar and makes us feels good. It's safe and nurturing. And, it can be healthy!Over the years, I've come to create a number of "rituals" (some more intentional than others) that make us feel good. Some are fun (Friday night is pizza and dessert night), while others foster a love of good, healthy food in my children, a love I hope they will carry them forward in life. Our Saturday trips to the market, food box pick up from Snowy River Farms in the summer, unpacking the food box from Home Grown Organic Foods in the winter, and meatless Mondays all provide rhythm to their life. Crockpot oatmeal on Monday, soup made on Thursday....the list goes on.Some research even suggests that creating rituals around food can enhance our experience while eating them and help with portion control.So, instead of a resolution that may or may not succeed, look for rhythm in your life and find a healthy ritual to go along with it. Here are some thoughts to get you started:
- Meatless Mondays and Salad Saturdays
- Starting a meal with an appetizer of raw veggies (perfect for kids arriving from school) or salad.
- Family meal planning and grocery shopping (kids are more likely to eat a meal they have a say in preparing).
- Lighting a supper candle to bring everyone's focus to the meal (great for busy pre-schoolers who have a hard time sitting at the table).
- Visiting your local farmer's market on a regular basis
- Trying to give up coffee? Keep the ritual of the hot beverage, but find a herbal tea you love.
Whatever you choose, make it meaningful and make it yours. All be the best for the healthiest of years in 2014.